The sun was beaming down from the sky and the smell of freshly made pancakes filled my nose, but I could not go near one yet. I was tempted to sneak one but my mum and sister were watching like hawks to make sure that I would not get one.I gave up and left to the living room and watched some TV till breakfast was ready.
After satisfying my stomach with a small but satisfying pancake and a hot cup of tea, I went to my room and got ready to go shopping for Sunday lunch. We jumped into the car and headed for the laundry mount,Otara and then came back home. Once we came home my sister, two brothers and I went to the back yard and played with the rugby balls.
A short time later I spotted a familiar car as it pulled into our driveway and then I realize that it was my favourite baby cousin Bellaamaria. We played with her until my other cousin came to inform us about a volleyball game at my grandma’s house.
Once we got there I saw my cousin Faith and the rest of my family.My sister and I played on her bike while my mum left to the bingo game in Otahuhu. As soon as my mum left, my cousin,sister and I went crazy.We were running up and down the paths,cartwheels here and there.But by the time they stopped playing volley we were still hypo so we had to go inside and calm down.It was time to go, we said our goodbyes and left into the big black car.Once we got home I had a tasty snack and then fell in to a deep sleep.
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