
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I Know What It Was

I Know What It Was
They said it was just an owl in the tree
an owl in the tree
but they didn't fool me!

I saw teeth
not a beak,
red eyes
not gold,
and I wont be told it was only fluff and feathers
round its throat
it was a collar
and those weren't wings
but silky folds
of black,black cloak

That was no
Too-wit, too woo
I heard
It was
I’ll get you - ou!  


Science Investigation-Gravity

I carried out an investigation about gravity and how does it affect the movement of falling objects.

We each had two objects to use to see which would fall on the floor/desk first.

  1. Marble
  2. Ping Pong ball
  3. Sheet of paper
  4. Rubber
  5. Pencil
  6. Paper clip
  7. Feather  

We dropped two of the items at the same height so the results could be much fair.
Here is a diagram of the results:
Object Dropped

Which hit the ground first?
Which actually hit the ground first?
Ping pong ball
Paper Clip
paper clip
Flat Paper
Flat paper
Crumbled Paper
Crumbled Paper
Paper Clip
Paper Clip

Monday, 7 October 2013

Learning mathematics outside the classroom!

Ko te Ratu 10 o te Mahuru o tenei ra

This morning the children in the aLim (accelerating learning in mathematics) group,had a mathematical trip to Panmure.The mathematical thinking started at the Settlers Tours Travel  Agency.Pauline the travel agent told us about the  mathematics involved in the  travel agency business.
It was interesting to find out that a children under 12 receive a 75% discount in fare cost from an adult fee. Once your 12 you pay the same as an adult!

We also spotted some:
  • plate numbers
  • prices
  • bus stop
  • ATM
  • patterns

Previously,on our mathematical adventure, we noticed the use of decimals in the fruit shop telling people how much it would cost for a kg of fruit such as apples.  
We visited a cafe and again saw decimals in money and read the specials board and did some calculation about the cost of items we might like to buy.  It was interesting too, that we learnt you need to compare costs on the board with those on the special of the day blackboard - this could mean you might get a discount or a bargain.
Following this we visited the ASB Bank.
The Manager came out to talk to us as we looked at leaflets about interest rates that were recorded as percentages.  She told us about how because we were children we didn’t have to pay interest but we could still earn interest if we had a bank account.
It was very interesting.

Mathematics is a waste of time?

As a intermediate student I think that mathematics is not a waste of time.

First of all  people will be able to calculate prices,discounts when they grow up.If you did not know the answer to a discount at a shop is pretty embarrassing.

Secondly,most people would rely on electronic thing like calculators but sometimes the calculations are wrong.

Now to conclude my argument mathematics is not a waste of time.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Chemical Reaction

  • observe and  report on the chemical reaction that
    occur when combining substance together.

1) Baking soda & malt vinegar:

P)The backing soda and malt vinegar together
will create fizzing bubbles
Reaction=The ingredients fizzed up and went over the cup

Tartaric acid and lemon juice
P) These would create bubbles

Reaction=Our prediction was right and it started bubbling

Citric Acid and malt vinegar:
The two combined this would create bubbles
 Reaction= nothing but it was so mushy and smelled like old wine or beer
Raro and lemon drink:
The two made a perfect drink but a bit too sugary.No reaction

Chalk and malt vinegar:
they make a mushy looking thingy and the smell was just like wine or beer

Raro and citric acid and malt vinegar
The smell was very nice and it was bubbly but when you taste it ,its like something is pinching your tongue.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

aLim walk

This morning the aLim group had a mathematical trip to Panmure. The mathematical thinking started with the Settlers Tours Travel  Agency. Puline the travel agent told us about the  mathematics in travel agency business.If a child was under 12 had 75% of from an adult fee and 12 and over paid the same amount as an adult.  

We also spotted some
plate numbers
  • prices
  • bus stop
  • ATM
  • patterns

Sherbet Making

  • raro
  • citric acid
  • baking soda
  • icing sugar

  1. Mix all together and taste

It was so sour and bitter!

Social Science


Who helps those who can't help themselves?
  • friends and family are the best to look for during times of trouble
  • church
  • mission sisters
  • salvation army
  • Dove

Friends and Families are the first place that people like to go and tell about their problems.But most people find it hard to communicate with their family about their personal problem e.g addictions.Friends are hard to communicate with because most people would not like to talk about their problem.Most problems that people have is not much of basic everyday things e.g food and clothes.  

One of the well known organisation is World Vision.They take the money and send it to the place that needs the most and they use the money to supply food ,water,education,faith,child protection and doctors to help those with help problems.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Holiday Fun!!!

The sun was beaming down from the sky and the smell of freshly made pancakes filled my nose, but I could not go near one yet.  I was tempted to sneak one but my mum and sister were watching like hawks to make sure that I  would not get one.I  gave up and left to the living room and watched some TV till breakfast was ready.

After satisfying my stomach with  a small but satisfying pancake and a hot cup of tea, I went to my room and got ready to go shopping for Sunday lunch. We jumped into the car and headed for the laundry mount,Otara and then came back home. Once we came home my sister, two brothers and I went to the back yard and played with the rugby balls.
A short time later  I spotted a familiar car as it pulled into our driveway and then I realize that it was my favourite baby cousin Bellaamaria. We played with her until my other cousin came to inform us about a volleyball game at my grandma’s house.

Once we got there I saw my cousin Faith and the rest of my family.My sister and I played on her bike while my mum left to the bingo game in Otahuhu. As soon as my mum left, my cousin,sister and I went crazy.We were running up and down the paths,cartwheels here and there.But by the time they stopped playing volley we were still hypo so we had to go inside and calm down.It was time to go, we said our goodbyes and left into the big black car.Once we got home I had a tasty snack and then fell in to a deep sleep.                           

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

How I Made My Under Water Viewer


  • Conditioner bottle/ 1.5 litre bottle  ( If the bottle and the jar do not fit snip the sides of the bottle)
  • Empty jam jar
  • cellotape
  • scissors


  1. Cut the bottom of your bottle with a sharp scissors  
  2. Place the jam jar(lid side up)  at the bottom of the bottle
  3. Cellotape the bottle and the jar together (Be sure it won't fall apart)
  4. Take the lid of the bottle off and try in bath tub or sink


1. FAIL- there wasn’t enough tape so the water got in
2.Success- I added some more tape and no water got in :D   


Saturday, 18 May 2013


Two  week ago we went to Pakuranga Intermediate to have our next tech lesson.
“Guys come on in, change your shoes and put the chairs down” . Mr Nair called while getting the roll ready, he told us to take our books out from the cardboard number five.

“Has anyone finished there paragraph about their cartoon” he asked.Some people finished and some were nearly done. Mr Nair gave us two pieces of triangular wood.One medium and one large.We had to draw our cartoon on the medium size wood to practice before we use our bigger piece of wood.Soon after we drew our cartoon we had to cut out it,sand it with sand paper,burn it using a special tool then paint.I sketched and cut my work but Mr Nair said its time to leave our work here and go for morning tea.
Once we got inside after morning tea I went straight to my desk and started to sand my work.A few minutes later I finished sanding so I went to the burning table and started to burn my work on the lines.There were tears running down my face because of the smoke so Asia handed me some protective glasses.So I did my last line then i left the table and grabed a painting apron and started to paint.I used the colour's black,white,pink and peach.After I finished painting I put my work were the fan was working lucky after i put my work there Mr Nair said “time to pack up and head to the bus”.
We said goodbye to him and left to the bus after we cleaned up.                                                                         

Monday, 13 May 2013

My Mum

My Mum has been with me ever since I saw the light of day.
She isn't just my Mum, she is a teacher,nurse, B.M.F.L
(Best Mum For Life) and an advocate who helps me through times of trouble.
She has a smile like a beautiful  sunset
and is as delicate as a flower when she dances.
My Mum cares for us and wouldn't let anything bad happen to us
She has her troubles but she still carries on with her work
She is strong in her faith
and I thank God for giving me this wonderful Mother!   

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Technicraft- a new experience!

Four weeks ago, we began technicraft at Pakuranga Intermediate school.  We were greeted by Mr Nair, the teacher in charge of Materials Technology.

“Come in and find a seat and sit”, Mr Nair said.  He had a fun activity ready and planned for us. I was so excited so I quickly changed my shoes and sat at a desk. Mr Nair said that we would be designing our own mini project -  it was like a shape collage.

First we had to design or decide what shapes we could use. I chose basic shapes like a circle, hexagon and a flower. Mr Nair then handed out  pieces of cardboard  for everyone to practice their design on.Before I could finish my, design it was time to go out for morning tea.
Immediately after the morning tea, we completed our designs.  I was given a piece of wood  to   transfer my design to.  Fortunately  I finished the task just as Mr Nair told us to pack up.