
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I Know What It Was

I Know What It Was
They said it was just an owl in the tree
an owl in the tree
but they didn't fool me!

I saw teeth
not a beak,
red eyes
not gold,
and I wont be told it was only fluff and feathers
round its throat
it was a collar
and those weren't wings
but silky folds
of black,black cloak

That was no
Too-wit, too woo
I heard
It was
I’ll get you - ou!  


Science Investigation-Gravity

I carried out an investigation about gravity and how does it affect the movement of falling objects.

We each had two objects to use to see which would fall on the floor/desk first.

  1. Marble
  2. Ping Pong ball
  3. Sheet of paper
  4. Rubber
  5. Pencil
  6. Paper clip
  7. Feather  

We dropped two of the items at the same height so the results could be much fair.
Here is a diagram of the results:
Object Dropped

Which hit the ground first?
Which actually hit the ground first?
Ping pong ball
Paper Clip
paper clip
Flat Paper
Flat paper
Crumbled Paper
Crumbled Paper
Paper Clip
Paper Clip

Monday, 7 October 2013

Learning mathematics outside the classroom!

Ko te Ratu 10 o te Mahuru o tenei ra

This morning the children in the aLim (accelerating learning in mathematics) group,had a mathematical trip to Panmure.The mathematical thinking started at the Settlers Tours Travel  Agency.Pauline the travel agent told us about the  mathematics involved in the  travel agency business.
It was interesting to find out that a children under 12 receive a 75% discount in fare cost from an adult fee. Once your 12 you pay the same as an adult!

We also spotted some:
  • plate numbers
  • prices
  • bus stop
  • ATM
  • patterns

Previously,on our mathematical adventure, we noticed the use of decimals in the fruit shop telling people how much it would cost for a kg of fruit such as apples.  
We visited a cafe and again saw decimals in money and read the specials board and did some calculation about the cost of items we might like to buy.  It was interesting too, that we learnt you need to compare costs on the board with those on the special of the day blackboard - this could mean you might get a discount or a bargain.
Following this we visited the ASB Bank.
The Manager came out to talk to us as we looked at leaflets about interest rates that were recorded as percentages.  She told us about how because we were children we didn’t have to pay interest but we could still earn interest if we had a bank account.
It was very interesting.

Mathematics is a waste of time?

As a intermediate student I think that mathematics is not a waste of time.

First of all  people will be able to calculate prices,discounts when they grow up.If you did not know the answer to a discount at a shop is pretty embarrassing.

Secondly,most people would rely on electronic thing like calculators but sometimes the calculations are wrong.

Now to conclude my argument mathematics is not a waste of time.